This is our buddy Zeke! Derek and i made a decison (a very hard one that we need to find him a new home. He is a lot to handle and is very dog aggressive and didn't want something to happen. So we made a few calls and found someone that was willing to pick him up for us. We weren't sure where he was going and to be honest with ya we didn't really want to know. I got him all ready and gave him a bath to go to his new place the next morning and while he was drying i went to the store to get some pictures of him developed... he escaped from his kennel and did this to my house. I think it was gods way of telling me i was making the right decision!
This is our female Laila with dereks little sister! She always had to be cuddleing with someone. She is the sweetest little thing! I left friday morning put zeke in his kennel to be picked up and left laila in the back yard. Well the person that came to get zeke Got a little confused and took the Wrong dog!!! We found out later that day that he had who he thought was Zeke put down! So our sweety was gone.... Then to make matters worse we knew we still had to do something with Zeke so we made the very hard decision to have him put down as well. We lost both dogs in a day. They were wonderful and we loved them very much! It was a very hard thing to go through but at least they are together they were best buddies!
Hey! When Nikki told me that story I felt so bad, it made my eyes water! I'm so sorry Karissa... I'm glad that you made a new post and I love your background :)
Karissa everytime I think about it it makes me cry... I really am sorry for everything that happened!
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